
Monday morning

I wish I could tell you that I had a fantastic weekend.  I wish I could tell you that I got a lot done.  I wish I could report outstanding Ignite results to you today.  But I can't.

I ended up in Urgent Care yesterday morning.  Diagnosis - pneumonia with an ear infection.  Yup.  Ignite must wait while I load myself up on drugs, antibiotics, and pain killers.  My butt is on the couch with a blanket and a warm cup of tea.  I'm glad that I made crock pot curry yesterday, because THAT'S what's going on the table tonight.  Oh yeah, I do leftovers.  I'm not ashamed.

(Yup, this is my daily routine for the next week, replacing all my Ignite stuff.  Bummer.)

So, I'm taking a break today so that hopefully, tomorrow, I can cook up a storm for Mardi Gras.  In the meantime, check out what I added to the blog over the weekend while I was down!  I added a page for national food holidays, a page for Las Vegas places to eat that we love, and I've started working on some page badges.  And, make sure you "Like" my facebook page!

See you tomorrow!