We had a birthday in our house this week! The Hubs turned 25, again. Like for the 10th time. Yes, we're both in denial of our ages. Since he is such a boat and water fanatic, I'm making him some special cupcakes. Using digital scrapbooking papers from Summertime Designs (btw, can I just say I LOVE her stuff? Okay. I've put it out there.), I designed these cute, nautical cupcake favors for the occasion.

(To download the wrappers and toppers, click here.)
And here is my meal plan for next week. I have to be honest with you, I'm lacking in inspiration today. I've been watching the events in Boston, horrified. The tragedy in Texas. I've been holding my kiddos a little closer. I have a pretty big doctor's appointment this afternoon, and I'm a little mentally preoccupied with it. Keep your fingers crossed and send up a prayer or two for me, would ya? I'm probably over reacting, but still, doesn't hurt to have all the positive karma on my side, right? Okay. So, now that it's off my chest...here's the list of meals I have planned.
Saturday: Steak Kabobs (Recipe to follow)
Sunday: Pot Roast
Monday: Mediterranean Smothered Chicken (Pin Win or Pin Flop?)
Tuesday: Spiced Roasted Pork with Sweet Potatoes and Apples (McCormick Spices Review)
Wednesday: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
Thursday: Sweet Basil and Oregano Bruschetta Chicken (McCormick Spices Review)
Friday: Free Night (I'm thinking ball game food....hm, maybe baseball tickets are in order)