
Freebie and a Meal Plan

Happy Friday, y'all!  I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend.  The freebie this week is definitely going on my gallery wall here at the house.  I have read this quote over and over again and I feel that I need to see it every day.  It is made to be printed out at 8x10, but could be scaled down.  

(Download here)

This week's meal plan is all about Spring cleaning.  90% of the ingredients in the meals will come from what is already in my freezer and pantry.  I love to start Spring cleaning out in the kitchen - I go through the freezer, pantry, and fridge and get rid of anything expired and just clean the heck out of it all.  The name of the game is PURGE!  But, lucky me, I still get to make yummy meals with it all.

Saturday: Slow Cooker Pot Roast
Sunday: Gumbo - since I had the stuff left over from Mardi Gras (when I was S.I.C.K. with pneumonia), I thought I'd better use it!
Monday: Spaghetti - pasta, jarred sauce, and browned turkey burger.  Simple.  Easy.
Tuesday: Chicken Enchiladas
Wednesday: Brinner - French Toast
Thursday: Crawfish Boil (instructions to follow)
Friday: Grilled Salmon - Again.Simple.  Grilled with lemon.  Nice and light.

Well, have a great weekend!  We're hitting up Roadkill Grill tonight, and next week I'll have some pictures and video to share with you from there.  I can't wait!

And as always, please "vote" for me over at Top Mommy Blogs.  All you have to do is click on the button at the top left of this page.  Thanks!

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