What do you cook for Memorial Day? Do you grill? Do you eat out? For this week's five, I'm sharing some old posts that might be of interest to you for your holiday weekend.
1. Beefalo Burgers
2. Peach Cobbler
3. Frog Eye Salad
4. Fried Catfish
5. If you live in Las Vegas and don't want to cook this weekend, may I suggest a little dive called Roadkill Grill? It's SO YUMMY! Go get your BBQ on!

And now for my meal plan. It's a little longer than normal because I'm giving you the weekend's line up as well. We are doing a little home camping. That's right - the tent will be set up here at home and we'll be utilizing the fire pit that Hubs built last weekend for us! So excited to make s'mores again! A baseball game is in store - I'm so excited, I love ball games! And then, fingers crossed, we'll be able to boat on Monday. This dang desert wind is killing me!
Friday: Grilling Dogs and Brats (I swear no child or animal will be hurt in the making of dinner)
Saturday: Basbell Game! WOO HOO! Go 51s!
Sunday: Grilled Steak and Grilled Asparagus
Monday: Free Day!
Tuesday: Thai-Style Coconut Chicken (From Betty Crocker Cookbook, Page 407 - no, I didn't get to make it last week. Long, boring story, but it was a crazy day at our house last Wednesday and it involves car repair.)
Wednesday: Chili-Lime Shrimp Bowls (courtesy of Iowa Girl Eats)
Thursday: Orange Chicken - Recipe to follow
Friday: Dinner Salad - don't really know what I'm going to do...thinking of steak...stay tuned, it could get interesting!
Last, but not least, PLEASE vote for me this week over at Top Mommy Blogs! Share a little love. :)