I wish I had a set of school lunches to share with you. Unfortunately, this was a one day school week for us. K1 had Monday off, went to school Tuesday, and was at home the rest of this week with the gumboo. We even made a trip to Urgent Care due to a very bad, feverish night. But she is on the mend, K2 is on the mend, and I'm wanting a nap. It's been a long week. And now I've got a busy couple of weeks coming up! 3 birthdays at our house and Thanksgiving! Lots of cooking!

Saturday: Free Day - holy cow, I'm already so grateful that this day is a free day.
Sunday: Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Monday: Brinner - Eggs Benedict
Tuesday: Chicken Lasagna (Recipe to follow)
Wednesday: Tortellini Soup (Recipe to follow)
Thursday: Steak Salad
Friday: Pizza (in preparation for a birthday party!)
I am excited to share some pupcakes that I'm making for Bodie's birthday this weekend. I'll be back on Monday with those! Have a great weekend!