
Spring Break Giveaway!

Hey all you Spring Breakers!  I feel so honored that you would take time out of your break for me!  Aw.  Squeezies for you.

Okay, so I'm going to do my very first giveaway.  Woo hoo!  I'm so excited!  Why?  This is why:

This, my friends, is the very first cookbook that I actually learned to cook from in my very first cooking class in college.  Okay, not THIS edition, but if I posted what edition I learned from, it would give away my age.  And that will.not.do.  :)  (Even worse, the building that my class in no longer exists.  Youch.)  But Aunt Betty taught me how to make a pie crust, cut up a whole chicken for pieces, make cream puffs, and many more things.  Even better, this newer edition (2011) has even more tips and helps than the older edition I used!  (Still not telling you what edition I learned from!)

So for being loyal followers and inviting your friends, family, neighbors, strangers to follow my blog, I'm going to give someone their very own copy!  I'm telling you, people, this is something you want in your kitchen.  Here's how you can enter, so ready........set...........go:

a Rafflecopter giveaway