Favorite Facebook Find: No Manual, Just Mom.
Favorite Quote: (found here)
Favorite Pinterest Find: Mother's Day Tea Party
Favorite Inspiration: Prayer of a Righteous Mother (found here and here)
Favorite Funny: (Because I love to watch Jack Sparrow run. Seriously one of my favorite moments in cinema.) Found here.

And my meal plan for next week? Here you go! Saturday is a free day - we'll be on the lake and to plan any type of meal is ridiculous.
Saturday: Free Day
Sunday: Chicken Cord en Bleu
Monday: Steak Fajitas
Tuesday: Chicken Pesto Pasta Salad - Guest Post
Wednesday: Tuscan Soup with Breadsticks - Recipe to follow
Thursday: Fried Catfish - Recipe to follow
Friday: Easy Mac and Cheese - Momma's got a hot date with The Hubs and Captain Kirk.
Last, but not least, PLEASE vote for me this week over at Top Mommy Blogs!