1. I remember stained glass and prisms hanging in my grandmother's window. And on holidays, I pick up the easy plastic kits for my girls to make to hang on our large back door. And then I found Kurt Knudsen over at Piggy and Dirt. He makes these GORGEOUS stained glass stars. And I had to have one. Or two. Three? Okay, so I have a few. They are hand crafted, original (no two are exactly alike) and just beautiful. And right now, you can go over to his store and pick one up at 20% off! Just use coupon code LOVE20.
2. Does your mom like to cook? Maybe she'd like one of these cute aprons! I love the aprons over at Sur La Table. They are so pretty and feminine. They look like they should be their own piece of clothing. And right now they are 40% off for Mother's Day. Head over to Sur La Table and order one for your mom, and yourself! Me? I'm going to be dropping hints for one of the blue aprons.
3. Want to make her something? I love this idea from House of Smiths. It's a window and casing lined with chicken wire. Add some clothes pins and pictures or whatever you'd like to display. Can you imagine the possibilities of
sprucing it up for various holidays? Christmas cards, kids school work, wildflowers you and your kids found on a walk. I would love to give one of these to my mom to show off all her grandchildren and their artwork. You can go to Shelley's blog and get her tutorial.
4. How about a little bling? What woman doesn't love some type of bling? You may not be a necklace, earrings, bracelets, rings, etc. all at the same time kind of person, or you may! Either way, Lia Sophia has something for you. I love their line of jewelry. I was introduced to Lia Sophia back when I was pregnant with K2 and feeling VERY frumpy. My dear friend Shelby brought me into the inner circle and I was hooked immediately. I love their earrings. They are by far my favorite.

5. And finally, in my line up of possible Mother's Day gifts, stress relief in a bottle. I constantly have a bottle of Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Eucalyptus Spearmint lotion near my bed. I love this stuff. The smell is so soothing, reminds me of going to the spa. And right now, Bath and Body Works has their gift set on sale for Mother's Day. It is normally $54.50, but you can snag this awesome set for $35!

Now, for the meal plan for next week. There's a lot of exciting things going on next week - Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, Saturday...you get my point. So there will be some yummy stuff cooking up in my kitchen! Even though this week I have a meal plan, there may be a few tweaks here and there to have some fun with these holidays.
Saturday: Free Day!
Sunday: Slow Cooker Tacos Carnitas
Monday: Eggs Benedict - Recipe to follow
Tuesday: Orange Chicken (No, not Panda Express version) - Recipe to follow
Wednesday: Slow Cooker Chicken Curry
Thursday: Basil Citrus Grilled Tuna Steaks
Friday: Pizza - Recipe to follow