Who doesn't love a fancy dessert? Now, who doesn't love a fancy looking dessert that is not difficult to make?! ME! I know, just the sound of the word "Profiteroles" is intimidating. It was to me for a long time. Oh, by the way, Profiterole is just another word for Cream Puff. The difference lies in the filling. A traditional cream puff has a custard filling. A Profiterole has ice cream. That's the fun part - you can fill it with whatever flavor you want! For me, it's chocolate.
Cream puffs are so simple to make. Seriously. 4 ingredients. In a pot. There is one point I need to make though - make sure your butter and water are at a boil before you add the flour. And because there are so few ingredients, if at first you don't succeed, it's easy to try again! Do not be intimidated by it. One more tip - if you aren't going to serve all the puffs at once, only cut up the ones you need. Place the remainder in a ziploc bag and keep refrigerated until ready to use. OR you can go ahead and slice them all up, place the ice cream in each one, and freeze the profiteroles that you will not serve immediately.
Profiteroles (Ice Cream Puffs)
1/2 cup butter, cut into chunks
1 cup water
1 cup flour
4 large eggs
Breyers® Chocolate Ice Cream
Powdered Sugar
Breyers® Chocolate Ice Cream Syrup
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place butter and water in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
2. Stir in flour, beating with a spoon until dough comes together and forms a ball.
3. Remove from heat. Add eggs, all at once, beating until dough is smooth and once again forms a ball.
4. Drop by spoonfulls, about 1/4 cup each, onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until puffs are golden brown. Remove to a cooling rack and allow to cool for at least an hour.
5. Slice tops off of each puff. Place a scoop of chocolate ice cream on bottom half and replace top half of puff. Drizzle chocolate syrup over each puff and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve immediately.
Serves 10
And we've reached our last Breyers® Giveaway. This giveaway lasts until Friday and the winner will be announced next Monday morning!
This post was created in connection with my appointment as an
Ambassador in the Breyers Blogger Program.
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